Dear Beloved One

From: Margaret Ben <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 at 21:01 Subject: Dear Beloved One To: <[email protected]>
My Beloved One,
I am Mrs. Anna Margaret Ben. I and my late husband was into Estate management and also a government building contracts before his sudden death. We were married for eleven years without a child due my fibriod problem. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $3.8Million (USD) dollars in Finance house. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Four months due to cancer problem. From all indications, my condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may not live long because the cancer stage has gotten to a very dangerous stage. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to good person that will utilize this money for Charity work, helping the Widows, Motherless Babies and Less Privileges.
I will offer you 20% of this total fund for your acceptance to do this Humanitarian Work while 80% goes to charities Work. l took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money . This is why I am taking this decision to donate this fund for charity.
I look forward to your prompt reply for more details.
Yours sincerely, Sister Anna