$3,500,000.00 has been donated to you

From: Theresa Madziva <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2023 at 19:15 Subject: To:

Dear email beneficiary, $3,500,000.00 has been donated to you by Kristine Wellenstein who won $426,000,000.00 from Powerball Jackpot! Contact this email: *[email protected] <[email protected]>* for more information on how to receive your donation, Thank You.
Send your response to: *[email protected] <[email protected]>*
Kind Regards, * Theresa Madziva* *Executive Director* Finance & Corporate Services *Tobacco Research Board * t/a * Kutsaga* Airport Ring Road, P. O. Box 1909 Harare* | *www.kutsaga.co.zw *M: *+263 772130215* | T: *+263 (0) 8688002604 – Ext 227* | E: * [email protected] <www.facebook.com/kutsagaofficial/> <www.instagram.com/kutsaga/> <www.linkedin.com/company/kutsaga-products-and-services/> <www.youtube.com/channel/UCWjgeylQE4qVvW0tSHikpqQ>
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