From: MR DENISE STANTON Date: 26 December 2012 21:35 Subject: GOOD NEWS PAYMENT NOTIFICATION…… To:

* * *PAYMENT NOTIFICATION,* *From the Desk of Denise Stanton* *Payment Release Clearing Officer* * (C-C-International Monetary Funds)* *(C.c: C.c: Ms. Sarah Barnes (Associate Director, Division of Banking* *Supervision)(C.c: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)* *(International Business Banking Centre)* *(World Bank Auditors)* *Email address—* *Email address—* *Tele—940-6045987* *Fax– 940-381-2576 * *Toll Free Fax– 877-631-2860* * * * * * * * * *Attn: FUND BENEFICIARY* * * * * * * * * * Re-Good News* * * * * * * *America transparency group have reached an agreement with the united nation peace ambassadors group in partnership with World Bank to release part payment sum of $5.567million dollars in your name through physical appearance in Montreal Canada. This clinical immunity diplomatic package is tested and confirmed with the assistance of government joint security task force, consignment delivery legal claim documents will be issued in your name as the legitimate beneficiary which you will present to the diplomat once you meet with him face to face at there diplomatic clearing office in Montreal Canada . You will not spend any cent because government have already used word bank assisted loan to pave all the expenses through the oil global funding. You should just keep this information to yourself to avoid information leakage in the hands of crooks which they will not offer you any help rather they will extort and intimidate you with different crooked stories. I presu med you have suffered tremendousl

Finally, I will educate and clarify you further if I hear from you but please be assured that this arrangement is the only way you can receive your funds without any upfront payment from government. Give this excise benefit of the doubt; we can give you references of those that have been paid through this arrangement so that you will contact them for verification and confirmations, this excise is cheaper and safe since it will give the opportunity to meet face to face with the person you are dealing with, you will travel with the relevant documents approved by America transparency group for this payment. This payment was introduced to make you spend this Christmas with joy and peace after what you have been through in the past. This is your last chance so don’t miss it, disregard any messages from those crooks because nothing good will come out of them, you should calculate how many months, weeks and years you have been dealing with them without any positive r esult. You will have all the lega

Waiting for your response

Denise Stanton Payment Release Clearing Officer
