UNITED NATION FUNDS TRANSFER CBN BANK COMPENSATION UNIT, IN AFFILIATION WITH THE UNITED NATION FUNDS TRANFER PAYMENT NOTIFICATION OF YOUR FUNDS Attention:Sir/Madam: Due to the petitions received by the UN, I Secretary-General Ban ki-moon from all over the continent in regards to the fraudulent activities going on in the West Africa sub-region with security’s agent and diplomats who has been delaying people’s funds, consignment and valuables in their custody and demand outrageous fees to get their consignment released to them. We have been having a meeting for the passed 7 months which ended 2 days ago with the former Secretary-General (Hon.Kofi Annan) to the UNITED NATIONS. How ever, We went to the African head quarters in NIGERIA on the 15TH November 2012 as well as other affiliate offices and set up this committee with sole aim of settling all these anomalies and due to that we are contacting you today in that regards. This email is to all people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of $3,250,000,00USD This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc. We found your name in our list and that is why we are contacting you, these have been agreed upon and have been duly signed by the secretary general Mr Banki Moo. Therefore, we are happy to inform you that an arrangement has perfectly been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible in our bid to be very transparent. However, it is our pleasure to inform you that your ATM Card Number; 5428 0500 1100 4432 has been approved and upgraded in your favor. Your pin number is: 128 Meanwhile, your Secret Pin Number will be available as soon as you confirm to us the receipt of your ATM CARD. The ATM Card Value is USD3,250,000.00 USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $3,000.00usd is permitted daily. And its is duly inter-switched and you can make withdrawal in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you any where in the world. We have also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited courier service Companies to oversee the delivery of the ATM Card to you without any further delay. Your payment would be sent to you via Federal Express Diplomatic and Sky link fast delivery ,ARAMEX, DHL AND FedEx, and UPS EXPRESS DELIVER. Because we have signed a contract with the courier companies above. Below is an example of tracking numbers you can track from UPS and ARAMEX website to confirm people like you who have received their ATM CARD successfully: (1).Name: Mrs Lydia Hilton Website: www.ups.com Tracking Number: h7910086543 (2)Name: Samuel Brown: Website: www.aramex.com Aramex Tracking Number: 7843074734 NOTE when you are tracking those number above they are going to ask for the full details of the tracking information which is not for you. Be informed that your response would be by telephone or through email Only. Any further delay of your responed will be the pleasure of the UNRC to use your fund to help the people who have been displaced in Darfur, Sudan Africa which you can see it in this site www.savedarfur.org and the Tsunami’s victims in Asia. So you are hereby advice to forward to this office Director ATM SWIFT CARD Department Therefore, you should send him your this vital information where you want him to send the ATM to you. Full Name:……… Address:…….. Telephone No:…… Age:………….. Occupation:………. Country:………… Identity Card if any……… Person to Contact: Mr Antonio carmada Emails:[email protected] office line :+1(502) 653-9561 We are working according to the constitution binding this committee as well as helping the less privilege through this means. You will be required to contact the above mentioned institution via telephone or email. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you receive your ATM. Making the world a better place Regards, Mr. Ban Ki-moon secetery General UNITED NATIONS). http://www.un.org/sg/biography.shtml