From: CAROL DENVEK Date: 25 March 2013 08:14 Subject: AWAIT REPLY FROM YOU. To:

Microsoft Corporation Sweepstakes Promotion, Customer Service. Your Winning Batch No: KLSM/LTY/2013. Your Winning Reference No: NLTW/025/2013.


We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited results of Sweepstakes promotion organized by Microsoft Corporations, in conjunction with the FOUNDATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF SOFTWARE products, (F.P.S.) held this September 14-02-2013. Where your email address emerged as one of the online Winning emails in the 2nd category and therefore attracted a cash award of 650,000.00 euro (Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros Only) and a Toshiba laptop. To begin your claim, do file for the release of your winning by contacting our Foreign Transfer Manager:

Mr. Morris Kemp Tel: +31-647465671. Fax: +31-634832930. Email: [email protected]

The Microsoft Internet E-mail lottery Awards is sponsored by former CEO/Chairman, and a consortium of software promotion companies. The Intel Group, Toshiba, Dell Computers and other International Companies. The Microsoft internet E-mail draw is held periodically and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet and promote computer literacy worldwide. Congratulations once again !!!

Sincerely, Mrs. Carol Denvek, Promotions Manager. (Group Co-ordinator)