Dear Sir,

From: Mr.Mohammed Abacha <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 13:59 Subject: Dear Sir, To:
Dear Sir,
How is your health ? How are you doing? I hope you are all well. I am Mohammed Abacha, the son to former President of Nigeria Late Gen.SaniAbacha. I am sorry for contacting you directly to your email. I have a very genuine and Lucrative business opportunity that I want to share with you as you may know.
I have a BANK DRAFT WORTH’S (DURHAMS 904,353,125.00 EQUIVALENT TO USD$ 246,250,000.00,) with the treasury National Bank of Fujairah Dubai, United Arab Emirates. the fund emancipated from my father bank account from Cayman Island
Please I need your help for immediate crediting of this fund into your bank all it will cost you is sending the cost of re-validating the bank draft to be entered in your name or company and you will start to withdraw from your bank account. Please acknowledge my email so I can provide you with details.
Confidentiality is the bond of this transaction.
I await your response.
Best Regards, Mr. Mohammed Abacha.