From: Vodafone Corporation Date: 10 November 2012 03:01 Subject: DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE To:

****************************DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE******************** VODAFONE LIVE Internet and Gaming Centre Stationplein 77 Rosendaal- Netherlands Telefax:0031620629200 EXT 1

VODAFONE LIVE INTERNET EMAIL WINNING NOTIFICATION. (COUPON WINNING NUMBER: TJAG-013267-CN) The sum of One Million Euros have been awarded to you from VODAFONE LIVE database of internet email users from which your email address was randomly balloted and which came out attached to the winning coupon number:TJAG-013267-CN. For transfer of your winning prize to you, contact the public relations officer with your coupon winning number and required informations. BANK TRANSFER TAKES 2/3DAYS WHILE THE BANK CHEQUE TAKES 5 DAYS BY COURIER!

CONTACT: Vodafone Live. Mr.Robert Van Green.(P.R.O) Telefax:+31620629200 EXT 2 Contact Email: [email protected]

Provide below informations: Full Names: Address: Nationality: Country of Residence: Occupation: Tel number: Email: Mode of Payment: (Bank Transfer or Bank Cheque) Failure to claim your winning will result to rollover or reversion of your winning sum. Any leakage of this winning notification leading in a double claim will cause you to forfeit your prize thus we advise you to keep this winning notification message confidential away from public notice to prevent double claims and impersonation until after remittance/payment to you.

Regards, Molowo Noni.(Mrs.) (Cordinator)
