From: PAYMENT NOTIFICATION <> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 08:17 Subject: FUND TRANSFER To:
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20220
Attention: Sir/Madam,
After our board meeting with United Nations and United State Government including European Parliament and Asia Government they have already given us instruction to contact you and make sure your US$20.5M Compensation fund release to you immediately you provide your full details listed below.
Kindly reconfirm below 1) Your full name. 2) Contact Address 3) Phone, fax and mobile #. 4) Age. 5) Occupation. 6) Your bank details
Meanwhile all legal documents from Department Of Treasury Direct-Account Washington DC will be release to you before your fund will be transfer into your bank account.
Thanks for your maximum co-operation. Richard Douglas Department Of The Treasury Direct-Account Director of Accountant and United Nation