Hi, My name is Aminu Bamanga direct KTT Wire transfer Unit C.B.N (Central Bank of Nigeria). I believe you dont know me before but after a serious thought in this new year, I decided to reach you from my home personally because I do not have anything against you, but your so called partners, also Barrister Ugo Williams and his partners in London U.K. Again I strongly believe that basic of our religion is IMAAN and the structure is telling truth. Some time ago, your partner approached me and requested that I assist him to program your name on the Payment Central Computer system as beneficiary for transfer deal of ($10.M) to use the strategy and transfer $10M by registering you as beneficiary and Transfer the money to your account. We agreed that i will do it but it must be on the condition that i will get 30% of the total fund, 40% for YOU and 30% for them. but can you believe that After i programmed your name on the payment computer as the legal beneficiary, your so called partners started playing pranks with me trying to push me out of the business completely, But they don’t know that as a professional Banker, they can not outsmart me, that was why I changed the information without his notice to make sure that whatever you do trying to receive the money will not be possible. Because of his evil attitude, I changed even the payment (CODE) from the Central computer, which made it impossible for you to receive the payment no-matter what both of you try. I am aware that you have been bribing some officials to get approvals to enable you receive the money but all efforts were to no success. Rather they keep demanding fees ON and ON. Is it not funny that you are being asked to pay money in other countries before you will receive your money while the fund is here? Well, this is the cause of the problem. I am also aware that they have made efforts to be paid via London payment center but the arrangement did not work because of the wrong information I sent to them. Bear in mind that your payment will NOT and you will NEVER receive any payment from any OFFSHORE, CENTER IN GHANA, SOUTH AFRICA, USA LONDON, DUBAI ETC) The only luck you have is that nobody can claim this money without your consent even me, because it was registered on your name on the Computer data system this is the more reason your so called partner and other fraudsters ARE using the advantage to defraud you. Have you asked yourself a question, How in this world can somebody call himself a diplomat and carry millions of Dollars in Cash and pass International Airports without inspection, It is only fools will fall for that. because i know in my own Country, you must declare the amount you have in you before you board airplane. Also be it know to you that any international Transaction goes through Bank to Bank Transfer, you can go and ask your banker. So stop Wasting your time and funds because it is like building Castle in the Air. NOW IF YOU WANT US TO WORK TOGETHER HERE ARE MY CONDITIONS. (I) You MUST promise me NOT to allow any other person or party know about this and I will have 50% of the money then 50% for you because it is only two of us now. Again you must keep it highly confidential and secret. I sworn with my life NOT to allow this transaction work without my 100% involvement. (ii) You MUST assure me that you will not betray me at last and my own share will be wired into the account i will provide or keep safe until we meet for sharing. (iii) We can conclude the transaction with utmost SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL if you agree to adhere to my directives based on these conditions being acceptable by you, contact me immediately to enable us finalize all the arrangement. As soon as we agree, i will use my position to perfect the arrangements on your behalf also update, authenticate and perfect all your documents and Code including the documents your partners procured through the back door while trying to double cross me. I will do all this for us to have a smooth transfer both now and after the money have got into your account. If you agree with me, you must respond to me immediatelly through my private email: [email protected] also make sure you call me on confidential Phone No: +234-7051591281 for full discussion. But If you do not agreed with my condition, i will advise you to forget about the funds because there is no way you can conclude the transfer without my notice, as far as I still remain the director KTT Wire. Regards. Aminu Bamanga KTT Director Central Bank of Nigeria +234-7051591281