From: Graham N.Robert. <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 at 11:06 Subject: Help Me To:
— My Name’s Mr.Graham N.Robert. Given my current state of health, I have decided to donate what I have to you, I am 69 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years ago, immediately after the death of my wife who had worked tirelessly until we were driven out of Zimbabwe and our farms seized. And HAVE BEEN HAPPENED FROM THIS, HOW TO DEAL WITH A HUNDRED OF US $155,600,000 ( Hundred And One Fifty Five) Dollars) To You For The Good Work And Support. rather than allow My wife to use our hard earned ungodly funds.
Contact my Executor: Greg Lawson Esq. Principal Partner Stanley and Associates Email: [email protected]