From: Lucky Brit Leech <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2020 at 20:08 Subject: INFO To: Recipients <[email protected]>
I am Lucky Brit Leech winner of the EuroMillions jackpot game on the 8th of October 2019 of the sum of £170,221,000.00 . I just commenced my charity donation scheme and am willing to give out a cash grant of £2,500,000.00 to (7) Lucky international recipients worldwide.You received this message because you have been listed as one of my (7) lucky winners in my charity donation.
My aim is to raise the living standards of people and provide covid-19 palliative to support the affected, the weak and the less privileged across the world. This may be a surprise to you or a joke or hoax to you due to the scams on the internet these days, please have no doubt as this is very real. To confirm the legitimacy of my winning Prize, you may visit my web page below
After your confirmation, please respond to this message with your full names and your contact address for more details on how to receive your cash grant.
Kindly accept my warmest Congratulations. Lucky Brit