JB & Company (Commercial Project)

From: Mr James Francis Finn., Date: 1 October 2012 15:03 Subject: JB & Company (Commercial Project) To:

Dear Friend,

Compliment of the season to you, I am Eng. James Francis Finn. from Florida USA, I have a business Proposal for you about a Fund transaction. Please get back to me if interested on a partnership Kindly open the attachment file for more details of the transaction. Your kind respond is needed to proceed. You will have a compensation for your assistance.

I will appreciate your feedback! Please do not hesitate to call or email me for more information.


James Francis Finn. Phone(732) 659 5513 Fax:(732) 885 1608 Endless Delights Cafe & Ctrng 209 5 Commerce St Jay, FL, USA.

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