From: Dowd, MaryAnn
*Dear Beneficiary,
You have been chosen through your e-mail address by Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) Development Payment Board of trustees 2012 as one of our final recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation of £500,000.00 GBP. The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) is the UK wide support organisation for grant-making trusts and foundations of all types. This is an International (Charity & Human Developmental) Organization Program to Elevate Poverty from your Locality. Based on the random selection of internet Web Pages and millions of Supermarket cash invoices worldwide your e-mail was selected among the beneficiaries to receive the sum of £500,000.00 GBP as developmental aid from the UN Foundation.
You are required to contact Mr.Donald Grayson. E-mail: **[email protected]*
Beneficiaries have been chosen from every (ACF) Member Nation from all continents. The ACF Foundation, UK has been appointed to oversee this development affair You are required to expeditiously Contact the Executive Secretary of The ACF Foundation with the details with your Full Name and Qualification number (ACF-846-1119 G-900-94) to Claim.
Yours faithfully, Mr. Marvin White*