Attention: The Beneficiary, RE: PAYMENT INSTRUCTION FOR YOUR LONG OUTSTANDING SUM. Based on the review carried out on your claim, I discovered that the claim you are laying was grossly over-invoiced to that magnitude of US$10M by some unsrupolous oficials for the aim to divert the fund for you all to share mutually. I discovered and decided to contact you though you might find it difficult to believe but it is just the hard truth. I am contacting you just for one reason that the fund can still be paid if I recommend because my discovery has not be revealled to anyone yet and I don’t want to cancel the payment outrightly because it will not go down well with you. I want to let you know that the fund can be paid if you are ready to follow my advise and work secretly with me due to the fact that the opportunity falls ithin my area of Jurisdiction and I have interest in the fund. I want to benefit from it, so let me know what will be my share out of it then I will go ahead and correct the anomalies and your past mistakes for the fund to be paid to you in seven working days. I am writing you with the spirit that you have seen that this is the truth but it will be very difficult to believe. As an Auditor attached to the Presidency, I am interested in the fund and I will like us to do the business together then I will write a favourable report about the claim for the immediate release of the fund or I will put up a report that will lead to the total cancellation of the payment. I will then perfect the documentations for the approvals in a genuine way and in such a way that no law will be violated. I am making this contact with you with an unflinching faith that you will work with me. Be rest assured that the modalities I have resolved to finalize the entire project guarantees our safety and the successful transfer of the funds. So, you will be absolutely right when you say that this project is risk free and viable.So long as you keep everything to yourself, we would definitely have no problems. Waiting for your response urgently. My regards, Dr. Henry Salami. Auditor of the Nation.