Thank you for banking with us…Yours In service…

From: Washington Trust Bank <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2019 at 10:00 Subject: Thank you for banking with us…Yours In service… To:
Dear: Beneficiary .. Good news . …. See attached your OFFICIAL AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE From Mr President / World leaders / Washington Trust Bank Boards of Directors and Country of Origin of your $200 million Africa Government Representatives here in Washington D.C United States of America few hours ago …Mr President and World leaders have Re-Approved your payment with interest rate is now $200 million and have been transferred to Washington Trust Bank here in States so that it will be easy for you to receive here because of corruption and scam from corrupt sacked officials/Governments that refused to release your payment from past years now , your payment has been Re-Approved by the World Leaders and President Donald Trump who vow that you must receive your payment this time if you adhere to the instructions by making sure that you receive your long Inheritance Contract Payment $200 Million with interest rate from Africa …… your $200 Million has been transferred to our bank here in your name ..…Mr President have instructed our bank here Washington Trust Bank I will be transferring $20 Million in each transfer to your nominated bank account till you received your full amount of $200 Million completed…. Your first transfer of $20 MILLION must Transfer to your account on July 8th 2019 as we planned…. You are advice to reconfirm your full name/address/cell phone / bank details and scan any of your national id cards or Driving license to facilitate us start your transfer on July 8th 2019 unfailingly…… This only thing this will cost you is for you to secure Transfer Permit Certificate (TPC) from united states Government to make your transfer is pure legal and protect you not to have any problem with any Agency when you are withdrawing your fund..…As we are ready to start the transfer as soon as it reflect in your account within 48 working hours another $20 Million will enter again the next day till you receive your complete $200 Million with us …… I wait your quick respond as President Trump has instructed….View attach Authority to Release Letter from President Donald Trump /my working id card and follow instructions ….. Call me on Phone now ………Thank you for banking with us…Yours In service…Phone number :+1202-539-6074 Mr. Peter F. Stanton Chairman and CEO Washington Trust Bank. Phone number : +1202-539-6074 Address: 717 West Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA