Your Visa ATM Card is Ready For peakup

From: United Nations <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 at 13:18 Subject: Your Visa ATM Card is Ready For peakup To:
This is officially informing you that THE UNITED NATIONS COMPENSATION COMMISSION and WORLD BANK-GROUP have authorized me to contact you base on your compensation a m o u n t.After an extensive close door meeting between the Board of Directors of the UNITED NATIONS and WORLD BANK-GROUP. The United Nations, World Bank-Group and I n t er n a t i o n a l Monetary Fund have agreed to compensate you with the sum of (USD $ 1.5 Million ) after your name and email was submitted by the Internet International Monitoring Group during the UNCC Conference Meeting which was held in Bab Ighli, Marrakech, Morocco from 7-18 November 2016,We are also aware that a lot of foreigners have been deceived and huge amounts of money have been stolen from them by Internet Fraudsters around the World. Six categories of claims were set up: Claims from individuals forced around the World between the invasion and the cease fire, Terrorist Attacks, Earthquakes, Internet Fraudsters (Category A);Claims from individuals who (or whose family) suffered injuries or Death as a result of the invasion (B); Claims from individuals for business losses, pain and anguish, property damage etc.
Each claim category had specific dates for initiating the claim and providing required evidence. A total of over $352.5 billion in claims was submitted in 2,686,131 claims. Of these claims, 1,543,619 (57%) resulted in some sort of award. The total awarded, to be paid by Iraq/Iran and Kuwait!|s oil revenues, was just over $52.4 billion. The UNCC adopted a policy of paying individuals first, with the result that the remaining sum is owed entirely to a government entity, specifically the state oil companies of Iraq/Iran and Kuwait
For this reason you are to receive your payment through a certified ATM Visa C a r d. With this Visa Card you can withdraw money from any part of the World without being disturbed or delay.All that is required of your now is to contact our 100% trust officials by the Name of Mrs. Yemisi Edun. Below is here contact information:
Name: Mrs. Yemisi Edun Email: [email protected]
For more proof, below is the tracking details of a b e n e f i c i a r y in your category that just received his ATM C a r d accordingly this year.
B e n e f i c i a r y Name: AYE MYNT Tracking Number: 5552216935 Delivery Courier: DHL Express Shipment Website:
B e n e f i c i a r y Name: J LARSENOE Tracking Number: 5552219024 Delivery Courier: DHL Express Shipment Website:
You can track for yourself for further assurances. Please ensure that you follow the directives and instructions of Mrs. Yemisi Edun so that within 72 hours you would have received your card payment and your secret p i n code issued directly to you for security reasons.
You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the information that will be required to avoid any mistakes:-
1 Your F u l l Name : 2. Your H o m e/Mobile Telephone No: 3. Your H o m e or Office Address : 4. Age/O c c u p a t i o n/Marital Status: 5. Scanned copy of your identification:
We apologize on behalf of the United Nation organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving ur-fund in the past.

Yours Faithfully,
Wu Hongbo